The Ultra almost always features formidable elevation gain, darkness, extreme weather, and unexpected challenges. Ultra events are a great place to meet equally crazy people. Each year, a 24hr Ultra World Championship sorts out the world’s best.
Swag for the Ultra is collectible and coveted worldwide. Every finisher receives a belt buckle custom made for the race, and an Ultra wedge that can form a special Trifecta. The Ultra finisher t-shirt is one that only a select few get to wear.
Spartan Ultra finisher belt buckle, lanyard and t-shirt
Spartan Ultra finisher wedge
Ultra competitor pinney
Professional photos
It may seem impossible at first, but if you made it this far down the page, with your determination and the right prep you can probably finish an Ultra. For starters, check out Spartan’s curated training plans for Ultra newbies. Once you’ve completed a few Ultras successfully, like any other sport your focus should switch to improving upon your previous efforts.
For each race season, we will carefully select the best obstacles in order to bring the best obstacle racing experience for our Spartans. Read below for more information about obstacle upgrade and official race rules of the season.